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Why Octiga: Microsoft Office 365 Security and Compliance Solution

Security Best Practice + SaaS Automation = Security Posture, In Clicks , Not Weeks!

Octiga helps organizations to achieve continuous m365 security and compliance best practice with an easy and affordable SaaS cloud security solution. Whether you need to secure your organisation, or you are an IT service provider who juggles the security of your clients, Octiga is here to help.

We recognize that the world has changed. We must deliver a way that business goes on without ignoring M365 security risks any longer.

Secure your business and clients easily, quickly, maintainable, affordably
Deliver corporate wide O365 security best practice with confidence
Improve Microsoft Office 365 security in one click
Achieve a security posture that fits your activities and gets you back to your business  

About Octiga. Not a traditional Microsoft Office 365 Security Tool

Back in 2019 Aussie cybersecurity expert Sash Vasilevski and Irish software enterprise development maestro Dr Rob McFeely decided to bring together their decades of experience to build a cloud-based Microsoft365 security platform, Octiga.

Sash and Rob recognized a problem that was going unsolved. M365 is a business-critical SaaS solution that cannot risk the gaps that traditional security tools leave. There are many great security features in MicrosoftOffice 365, however maintaining a coherent security posture, whether you use these tools or not, requires constant attention, diligence, and knowledge. As one of our current MSP clients explains:

“Microsoft secure score doesn't help the team manage tenants' security; Octiga's red flag system does. I can't justify NOT having Octiga.’’
Zack Calloway, IT Technician, Blue Ridge Technology

Octiga gives MSPs these Microsoft 365 security powers:

  • The ability to Onboard new clients in minutes, not hours with templated baselines.
  • Immediate visibility of new client security gaps (such as 2FA omissions).
  • Single pane breach & risk detection across all tenants.
  • Easy on-boarding and offboarding of clients’ Microsoft 365 users.
  • Reports that prove clients are secure / highlight additional revenue ops.
  • 1-click remediation of identified security risks.
  • A simple interface that’s L1 friendly.
  • Onboarding includes integration with MSPs chosen PSA solutions.
  • Alerting and easy management of travel with geo-aware rules.

Octiga is a global success story

With just a few years of launch Octiga’s been adopted by MSPs around the globe. Word of mouth has been driving many MSPs to press the ‘Try Now’ button and realize just how much simpler Octiga makes adding new tenants to hardened, best practice, M365 security baselines. They experience how breaches that might have previously been missed are now caught in minutes.

“Octiga's a very inexpensive way to accurately manage your customers' M365 security postures. I've referred Octiga to several MSPs.’’
Paul Strayhorn, Owner, Connected Right

2024 has already seen Octiga cross the pond from our head office in Galway, Ireland, to Dallas, Texas where our sales are led by Michael Heldebrandt. Michael’s already winning sales from MSPs that want to offer their clients best in class M365 security and compliance.

Colin brings his channel sales expertise, helping to widen availability of Octiga to MSPs and MSSPs across EMEA and APAC.

Octiga Map
“Octiga’s name came up again and again on Reddit. We tried the trial system and loved it.’’
Paul Strayhorn, Owner, Connected Samantha Motz, Operations Manager & Network Engineer, RDCS

I can do this myself!

You could, maybe, but not in one click and not 24/7 365 days a year. Because it’s not easy and requires knowledge, time and constant attention. Moreover, keeping coherent track of all your security controls, threats and risks is the reason why many organisations simply do not stay on top of it. Not staying on top of it is no longer an option.

Quick and Easy to Onboard and Use

One Click. Octiga delivers seamless and rapid onboarding and integration. No complex downloads or installations. No setup. Just connect the App with your Microsoft 365 Admin account. Done!

Why is it so Easy?

We love Microsoft Office 365 too, but if you’ve spent time securing it you will know that it requires a security team of know-how, resources, knowledge, and time, to keep on top of it.
Have you seen our Dashboard?  That’s it. One place. Done!

Security Posture as a Service

M365 needs to be correctly configured and stay that way in the face of continuous business and employee activity regardless of what security tools you use.  Having a Security Posture Service ensures you get everything in check and monitor everything M365, every day.  It's SaaS because M365 is SaaS, except with Octiga you need no security expertise.

Value for Money

Octiga leverages SaaS automation and economies of scale to deliver our vast M365 security best practices at an incredibly reasonable price.

Why this makes us proud

Because Clients and Partners love it. It has taken a lot of hard work to get here but the feedback has been breathtaking. M365 Security Posture Monitoring is finally the new breach monitoring.

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